NewPlat ETF



All Listings

*denotes Primary Listing




NAV Price

as at 27 Mar 2025

R 170.96

Change (1 day)

R 0.63 (0.37%)

This is the price of one unit in the fund based on the value of its underlying investment.

Risk Rating


This is the product's synthetic risk and reward indicator (SRRI), an industry standard measure running from low to high

Annual Sales Charge


Transaction costs apply

Ongoing charges include all costs incurred to run the fund.

Transaction costs are incurred when the funds buy or sell holdings and includes expenses such as broker commissions


Absa CIB’s NewPlat Exchange Traded Fund (NewPlat) is one of the simplest and cost-efficient methods for investors to invest directly in actual platinum. NewPlat continuously tracks the platinum spot price and enables investors to invest in a listed instrument (structured as a debenture) in which each security is equivalent to approximately 1/100th ounces of platinum and is fully backed/covered by holdings of platinum with the NewPlat Custodian, ICBC Standard Bank. NewPlat is the first product in South Africa through which institutional and retail investors can securely invest directly in platinum spot. NewPlat ETF complies with Shariah Law.

About the Benchmark

Platinum Spot ZAR

Platinum is a well known precious metal traded in US dollar per fine ounce

Past Performance

as at date:

Source: Absa Corporate and Investment Bank

Disclosure: The investment performance represented is for illustrative purposes only and is calculated by taking into account JSE closing prices. Past performance is not indicative of future performance. An individual investor's performance may differ from the Portfolio NAV performance displayed as a result of factors such as any fees, brokerage, actual investment date, DWT and other costs.

Fund Data

Launch Date26 Apr 2013
DomicileSouth Africa
IssuerNewGold Issuer Ltd
ManagerNewGold Manager (Pty) Ltd
TrusteesStonehage Fleming Corporate Services (Pty) Limited
Market MakerAbsa Corporate and Investment Bank
Stock ExchangeJSE
Exchange CodeNGPLT
Bloomberg Code
RIC Code